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Scheduling Regular Check-Ups For Pets

Aug 24, 2020


Pets are special members of your family. They offer a special bond and endless entertainment as well as love. Studies have shown that pets help reduce stress in their human companions and having a pet can provide many mental and physical health benefits. Unlike a child who can tell you what is wrong, your pet can't verbalize when something hurts or irritates. Just like people, your pets need regular check-ups as well to ensure they are healthy. Dogs and cats should have check-ups annually, allowing your vet to determine any subtle changes in your pet's health. This is also a great time to report anything that has been different including loss of appetite, coughing, weight changes, and more. Regular check-ups play a huge part in preventing health issues. 


  • Stay Up to Date on Pet Vaccinations and Preventatives- Regular check-ups give your vet the opportunity to make sure your pet is up to date on their recommended vaccinations. Vaccinations are very important as they help prevent pets from contracting serious diseases. Common routine vaccinations include distemper, leptospirosis, adenovirus, parvovirus as well as parainfluenza, Bordetella (kennel cough), and rabies. This is also a good time to allow your vet to check for fleas and ticks, as well as check for Heartworm and other parasites.

  • Catch Problems that Haven’t Shown Symptoms Yet- You may be able to notice certain signs that your pet is not feeling well. However, since they can't speak, it makes determining most issues difficult. An animal hospital or veterinarian clinic will have the experience to help keep your pet healthy by checking blood work and vital signs. This will help reveal any illnesses or problems your pet hasn't shown symptoms for yet. By the time your pet shows symptoms, it may be too late to treat. Regular check-ups help catch problems early on that may have been missed. 

  • Opportunity to Ask Questions- A routine check-up is a perfect time to ask your vet any questions or express any concerns that you may have.

  • Monitor Dental Care- Dental care is important for all dogs but more important in older dogs. Dental diseases will not only cause pain in your pet, but it could lead to problems with their internal organs due to the bacteria the diseases can create. Routine check-ups will include looking at your pet's teeth to monitor build-up and to decide if dental cleanings or tooth removal surgeries are needed. 


At Vetcare for Pets Animal Hospital, serving Dunn, Benson, Smithfield, Fayetteville and Clinton, NC, we take pride in our services. When it comes to regular check-ups for your pets, there are a variety of reasons why they are so important. From monitoring weight to staying up to date on pet vaccinations and dental health, it's important not to miss the opportunity to have your pet examined so they can stay happy and healthy for years to come. A check-up can make a major difference in the life of your pet. For more information or to schedule services, please contact us today!

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